Everyday Grace, God's Deep Love, Loving Others, The Hard Stuff

Dear Women who are Preaching on Mother’s Day, You are not a Token

To all of the women who are preaching on Mother’s Day, we are not a token.


If you hear that answered question of ‘Oh, so you’re preaching on Mother’s Day? Are you the once-yearly token woman?’, do not let that cymbal clang against the ear of your heart.

You are trusted by the leadership of your church who has seen you and supported your voice.

You are entrusted to bring the word of God before the people of God and that is a holy and sacred calling.

You are anointed for this work at this time. Do not let others diminish that.

You are created by God and given a purpose.

You are saved by the blood of Christ and stand with him in the heavenlies.

You are empowered and gifted by Holy Spirit to preach the good news to the poor and poor in spirit.

You are not a token.

You are a seal upon the heart of your beloved who has begun a good work in you that will be brought to completion.


You stand with those who have come before you.

Proclaiming the resurrection with the women at the tomb.

Standing in the battlefield with Deborah.

Journeying the long road with Naomi and Ruth.

Seeking justice with Esther.

Prophesying with Miriam and Anna.

Sitting at Jesus’s feet with Mary and the woman at the well.

Building the church with Priscilla, Junia, and Dorcas and generations of countless others.


You stand with those in your congregation, women and men reflecting the image of God in its fullness.

You have words to say. Words overseen by the Spirit and offered in faithfulness.

I pray for you, for us, that these words will pour out and as God has promised, his word will not come back void.

And after it all, I pray for rest. For the comfort of faithfulness to the completed task. For a refilling of what has been poured out over you and out of you.

Thank you for saying yes when asked. Thank you for adding your voice to the multitudes proclaiming his name this Sunday.

Thank you to those who have supported you. We are better together.

So speak well and with boldness, my sisters. I stand with you.